360 by Bredes

Have a good time with our rider Bredes, and this is how he did 360.

Straps V1.5 Series

Almost 5 years we ride with our old straps (V1 Series), now it's time to introduce our new straps collection. yes! this is some new color combination of our straps, this is straps V1.5 series.

Wheel Talk & Chop ‘Em Down Films | Red Bull Ride + Style 2014

Coverage of the 2014 Red Bull Ride + Style brought to you by Wheel Talk & Chop Em Down Films. Filmed at Justin Herman Plaza in San Francisco on May 10th 2014. RAD VIDEO!!!

152014 SOFB: Issue 17

The newest issue of Stoked on Fixed Bikes is out, and you can peep it for free HERE! Show some support and make a donation to keep this publication going!

HOOK March'14 pant editions

dark brown cotton stretchy pant (with slim fit cutting)
price: Rp. 230.000 / $ 30
size: 30, 32, 34, 36

dark green cotton stretchy pant (with slim fit cutting)
price: Rp. 230.000 / $ 30
size: 30, 32, 34, 36


This is JAGO KANDANG FGFS COMP who held at Bekasi Roof Top Square, a lot of rider come to join this event. Happy to know that 2 rider from HOOK be a winner, congratulations to Indra Trisatya Putra and Bredes Cantriano, we so proud to have you guys. 

AGO KANDANG FGFS BATTLE COMP by : ALPHALABCREW. 19tooth , hookstraps . suported by : slyfixed , bamboobike, hatebikes, BSW , Funday Brakeless, moefixed, CSF
video by : adityo saputro & Toruz
1st : Indra trisatya Putra ( alphalabcrew / hookstraps ). 2nd Bredes Cantriano ( moefix / hookstraps ), 3rd Steven leonardo ( bamboo bikes )
thanks to Bekasi Roof Top Square and all crew suport the movement.

HOOK July'13 pant editions

 "BLACK #1"
black cotton stretchy pant (with slim fit cutting)
price: Rp. 230.000 / $ 30
size: 30, 32, 34, 36

"GREY #1"
grey cotton stretchy pant (with slim fit cutting)
price: Rp. 230.000 / $ 30
size: 30, 32, 34, 46
order: 081318689970 / email: hookstraps@yahoo.com

bunnyhop from Nasrudin

Getting photo session from Nasrudin (TMBLYK / Bontang Fixed Gear), always doing bunnyhop in several photo. He's use "Gray Straps" from HOOK.

January 2013 t-shirt from HOOK

Rp. 100.000 / $ 16
size: M, L, XL

Rp. 100.000 / $ 16
size: M, L, XL
text: 081318689970 / email: hookstraps@yahoo.com

CycleStreetFix full edit 2012

Video edit from Cycle Street Fix. Wow cool, you can see some of rider getting so emotional. thanks to our buddy Audino (Cycle Street Fix) for share these.

Indra Trisatya Putra (Indro)

Making some photo session with our rider (Indro). Although with the limit time, we maximaze all the process.
(180 to fakie slide to minihop barspin)

(180 to fakie barspin)

Indro (video edit)

Found a video from our rider (Indro). Nice to see, always barspin in everywhere he's ride.